Friday, February 20, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Spring Is Coming!!

The weather is getting warmer and there is almost a hint of Spring in the air. Another great turnout for the Shelby Group. If you do not have a regular group you play with, why not join us? We start at 10:00 a.m. every Saturday and Sunday. It is a scramble format and everyone is welcome...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Super Bowl Party

What a turn out we had for what turned out to be a great game...over 50 members came out to see the game and we raised over $160 for the HDTV fund. The $3.00 per person covered some good barbeque, suasage, weeneies and members brought sides and desserts. We had door prizes throughout the night.

Shelby Group

The Shelby Group had a great turn out when the weather turned warm. There were six teams of 4 and two teams of 5. I believe the winning score was 5 and 5. If you have not played with the Shelby Group, you should give it a try. They start every Saturday and Sunday at 10:00 a.m. It is $5 per person per side and all proceeds go back into the club for food and drink. The winning team does not have to pay!!! So whether you are an A player or begginner there is a place for you. This week's proceeds went to the HDTV fun....$30 in all!